What is Acupuncture
The history of Acupuncture goes far in the past and reflects also a practice that takes root in the present of our lives. It is an effective form of health care, complete and holistic, that can be traced back for a least 2,500 years originating in China and East-Asia. According to the US National Health Institute, “the general theory of acupuncture is based on the premise that there are patterns of energy flow Qi through the body that are essential for health. Disruptions of this flow are responsible for disease.” Acupuncture may correct imbalances of flow using a non-invasive medical system to diagnosed and treat.
Acupuncture consists in placing very fine and sterile needles at specific acupoints on the body along the meridians pathways. It brings the Qi back into balance and works with your natural healing process. Our practitioner Natalie-Pascale uses the techniques appropriate to each person. For persons sensitive or a bit afraid of needles, she uses gentle technique to provide a painless experience as possible and practices Japanese meridian techniques including non-insertion of needles. The practice is very safe and as it balance and synchronize body and mind, many find it relaxing, even falling asleep during the treatment.
How does a treatment work?
Our acupuncturist Natalie-Pascale, also called an East-Asian Medicine practitioner, will consider your condition and what you are seeking treatment for. An initial visit of one hour and a half includes a full review of your medical history, an assessment of your current situation and a treatment plan. We answer questions you may have about all aspects of your treatment. Imbalances of Qi will be addressed according to your unique state, issues and symptoms. A follow-up treatment plan will consist of one or several one-hour visit and will be established with you.
Acupuncture Benefits
The World Health Organization lists a variety of medical conditions that may benefit from the use of acupuncture and modalities such as moxibustion. It allows the release and alleviation of:
* Chronic or acute pain of any origin
* Abdominal pain
* Menstrual problems
* Back, knee, neck pain
* Sciatica
* Weakness, stiffness of joints
* Head aches
* Sinus problems
* Dental pain
* Fatigue
* Depression
* Anxiety
* Stress
* Insomnia
* Post-Stroke conditions
* Hypertension
* Side effects or adverse reactions to radiation therapy and chemotherapy
* Leukopenia
* Cancer pain
* Digestive problems
* Nausea and vomiting
* Morning sickness
* Constipation
* Diarrhea
* Irritable Bowel Syndrome
* Colitis
* Diabetes
* Pulmonary problems
* Asthma
* Bronchitis
* Common cold
* Bell’s Palsy
* Cardiovascular issues
* Urinary issues
Source: World Health Organization and National Institute of Health